School Based Programs
Wisconsin is one of only a handful of states that requires public schools to deliver instruction about Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). The Wisconsin legislation was passed in 2006. And while we wholeheartedly support the intent of the legislation, the fact is, there’s no state funding available to support or police its implementation. As a result, school districts are left to fend for themselves. Many simply don’t bother attempting to fulfill the SBS curriculum mandate. Others deliver content that isn’t complete. We’re uniquely positioned to change that so this school program is the first step in fulfilling the intent of this law.
Shaken Baby Association has partnered with SERVE Marketing and Association for the Rights of Citizens with handicaps (ARCh) to debunk myths about Shaken Baby Syndrome and sharing SBS prevention strategies for more than a decade. It’s working.
We’ve delivered the message to thousands of students over the years and based on their input, we continually refine our presentation to deliver the most relevant, impactful story about SBS prevention. It’s working. In areas where we’ve delivered the SBS curriculum. We’re clearly getting through to the next generation of parents and caregivers.
A comprehensive SBS curriculum for high school & middle school, is now available. Together we will save lives and save dollars.
SBS Curriculum
for middle and high school
For more information email: or call 414-339-3208